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Join the peaceful protest on January 7 to save Eglinton Flats!

Join us for a peaceful protest to tell Metrolinx and the Ford Government to listen to the community and keep the entire Eglinton Crosstown West Extension (ECWE) underground. We must act now: Metrolinx plans to clear cut thousands of trees in the coming months!

Date: Saturday, January 7, 2023

Time: Starting at 9:30 a.m.

Location: Parking lot at 101 Emmett Avenue (near Jane Street and Eglinton Avenue West)

Bring your family, friends and neighbours! Help spread the word!

The Indigenous community and residents in York South-Weston/Mount Dennis are fed up with Metrolinx and the Ford Government’s complete lack of transparency and meaningful community consultation on their ill-conceived plan to build a 1.5km section of the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension (ECWE) LRT on an elevated concrete structure running through irreplaceable urban forest and parkland.

We support the ECWE but demand that this 1.5km section is built underground like the rest of the line. Metrolinx has publicly admitted it is technically feasible to go underground.

This greenspace—Fergy Brown Park, Eglinton Flats and the Humber River—is a sensitive ecosystem and wildlife corridor that is home to Threatened and Endangered species. It is used for Indigenous ceremony and education, recreation, sports and social activities.

Who’s leading the protest?

The protest is being led by the ENAGB Indigenous Youth Agency, with the support of allies and community groups including Stop the Trains in Our Parks (STOP), the Mount Dennis Community Association (MDCA), the Mount Dennis eco-Neighbourhood Initiative (MDeNI), and others.

About the ECWE

The Eglinton Crosstown West Extension (ECWE) will continue the Eglinton Crosstown LRT from Mount Dennis Station west to Renforth Drive. Metrolinx and the Ford Government plan to build most of the ECWE underground (the section that runs through Etobicoke), but in Mount Dennis, one of the most economically-disadvantaged neighbourhoods in the city, they plan on constructing an elevated LRT train expressway through Fergy Brown Park, Eglinton Flats and over the Humber River, with two massive overhead stations over Jane Street and Scarlett Road.

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